Mick Benner

Mick Benner

Mick Benner

Mick Benner

StatusFull Member
ResidenceI lived in the heyday of the club in Ruislip Gardens
(and Hayes before that) I now live in Bury St Edmonds
Family    Married to Christine

Children Matt, Joe and Lottie 
Bike I would be remembered for  -
ike I would be remembered for  - 
BSA Combo, 250 Harley

Best bike

Triumph terrier not so far to fall when pissed.
Favourite bike? Worst bike? Worst:

No comment

What do I ride/drive now? Present bike is a 600 Yamaha Fazer
My memories of the clubSunday runs both on the bike and Paul & Beavers
arse runs after Saturday night sessions.

Devon of course, beach nights and crazy times.

Riding the Torcross straight on the combo with the
passenger taking photos of all those bikes right across
the road. Same day I think we went up to Salcombe boathouse
for a barn dance band night and be escorted in by the police.

The sound of all those bikes in those narrow streets is hard to forget.
The same night lifting the sidecar in the car park and the police
 asking me to stop doing it, they didn't even hassle us. 

Plough pub on Bulldog night.
Summary of my life to date
Still a Christian involved in the church and having fun.
My hobbies today areNo entry
At my funeral please arrange to have the following played No comment
Final CommentsNo commets

The Freedom Riders MCC of Hayes and Ruislip

This is the Freedom Riders MCC web site. The Freedom Riders MCC has long been disbanded, however the camaraderie and humour lives on, hopefully this web site will reunite former members and help keep those still "in the fold" keep in touch.

The site is just a bit of stupid fun really, rather like being in the club was........a bit of stupid fun.

Feel free to also contribute any "views" yourself by e-mailing me.